Marcano...El Show was a variety television show aired from 1990 to 1995 in Puerto Rico. The show went international, broadcast to the United States on 1992 at the midnight slot of the Telemundo Network. It was produced by Jackie Torres, and executive produced by Hector Marcano. The host of the show was Hector Marcano. The co-host was Jose Vallenilla (Funky Joe).
The show was the number one television show of Puerto Rico for 3 consecutive years and consisted of interviews, music, and comedy. Among the many famous guests the show had, were Latin superstars such as Ricky Martin (who actually made his debut as a solo artist in this TV show), Marc Anthony, Vanilla Ice, Juan Luis Guerra, Ricardo Montaner, José José, and many more.
Although popular, it was controversial because it was a direct copy of many shows from American networks. The set was an almost exact replica of the Arsenio Hall Show down to the Dog Pound and a female keyboard player. Also he was introduced the same way as Arsenio ("Damas y Caballeros... Hectoooooooooooor Marcano"). The comedy sketches were taken from various popular 90's shows that included : In Living Color, David Letterman, Saturday Night Live, Totally Hidden Video/Candid Camera, and again Arsenio Hall Show. For those reasons people watched the show. People who did not have Cable TV nor watched U.S network programs found the show very innovative. People who did watch U.S. networks shows would watch the show to identify how many shows Marcano had copied.Jackie TorresHector Marcano